En este segmento tendrán Drop en: General | Boss | Evento. Algo importante: En Gaion y mapas Caerán items 1 o 2 opciones Excellent, en Invasiones 2 o 3 opciones Excellent. Primera etapa caerán items excellent hasta Tarkan (inclusive), en la 2da etapa, aproximadamente a los 2 meses online en el resto de mapas.
Jewel of Chaos
Monster lvl 20 a 71
10 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Jewel of Chaos
Monster lvl 72 a 150
60 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Jewel of Bless
Monster lvl 20 a 71
20 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Jewel of Bless
Monster lvl 72 a 150
140 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Jewel of Soul
Monster lvl 20 a 71
20 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Jewel of Soul
Monster lvl 72 a 150
140 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Jewel of Life
Monster lvl 20 a 71
10 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Jewel of Life
Monster lvl 72 a 150
50 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Jewel of Creation
Monster lvl 20 a 71
10 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Jewel of Creation
Monster lvl 72 a 150
40 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Kanturu Relics, Barraks, Barraks1, Barraks2, Barraks VIP2
80 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Jewel Of Guardian
Kanturu Relics, Barraks, Barraks1, Barraks2, Barraks VIP2
80 (En Mapas CARACTERISTICAS, ver drop especial de jewels)
Loch's Feather
Icarus y Devil Square
Monarch's Crest
Icarus y Devil Square
Coin Drop Mapa
Monster lvl 80 a 150
Coin Drop
Todos los mapas a partir Monster lvl 80
Sphere (Mono)
Barracks - Todos
Inhabilitado por ahora
Sphere (Di)
Barracks - Todos
Inhabilitado por ahora
Sphere (Tri)
Barracks - Todos
Inhabilitado por ahora
Sphere (Tetra)
Barracks - Todos
Inhabilitado por ahora
Spirit of Dark Horse
Monster lvl 80 a 150
Spirit of Dark Spirit
Monster lvl 80 a 150
Splinter of Armor, Bless of Guardian, Claw of Beast
Barracks1, Barraks2, Barraks3, Barraks4, Barraks VIP2
inhabilitado por ahora
Items para Crear Alas 2.5
Inhabilitado por ahora
Condor Flame
Barracks3 y Barraks4
Inhabilitado por ahora
Cherry White, Red, Gold
Inhabilitado por ahora
Corazon | Medals | Box
Monster level 12 a 80
Flameberge | Sword Breaker | Rune Bastard Sword | Prickle Glove | Frost Mace | Absolute Scepter | Dark Stinger | Eternal Wing Stick | Deadly Staff | Inberial Staff
Crimson Glory | Salamander Shield | Frost Barrier | Guardian Shield
Extra Drop
Sphere LVL 4
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop items Socket 3 slots 90% | Drop de extras 10%
Thunder Blade | Striker Scepter | Mace of King | Brova | Aileen Bowr | Raven Stick | Chromatic Staff | Staff of Volans | Piercing Glove | Daybreak | Divine Archangel Sword | Divine Scepter of Archangel | Divine Staff of Archangel | Divine Crossbow of Archangel | Divine Staff of Archangel | Divine Stick of Archangel
Great Dragon | Dark Soul | Red Spirit | Hurricane | Dark Master | Piercing | Demonic
Extra Drop
TCA | Jewel of skill | Jewel of Luck | Anillos y pendientes
Porcentaje % de Drop
item 2 opciones 50% | item 3 opciones 50% | Drop Armas y set 90% | extras 10%
Thunder Blade | Striker Scepter | Mace of King | Brova | Aileen Bowr | Raven Stick | Chromatic Staff | Staff of Volans | Piercing Glove | Daybreak | Divine Archangel Sword | Divine Scepter of Archangel | Divine Staff of Archangel | Divine Crossbow of Archangel | Divine Staff of Archangel | Divine Stick of Archangel
Great Dragon | Dark Soul | Red Spirit | Hurricane | Dark Master | Piercing | Demonic
Extra Drop
Anillos y pendientes
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop item 2 opciones 50% | item 3 opciones 50% |Set y armas 90% | Extra drop 10%
Knight Blade | Sword Dancer | Dark Reign Blade | Dark Breaker | Holly Storm Claws | Great Lord Scepter | Shining Scepter | Dragon Spear | Great Reign Crossbow | Arrow Viper Bow | Albatross Bow | Staff of Destruction | Staff of Kundun | Platina Staff | Ancient Stick | Demonic Stick
Black Dragon | Dark Phoenix | Grand Soul | Valiant | Eclipse | Thunder Hawk | Iris | Glorious | Ancient | Storm Hard | Divine
Extra Drop
Anillos y pendientes + TCA
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop item 2 opciones 45% | item 3 opciones 45% | Extra drop 10%
Knight Blade | Sword Dancer | Dark Reign Blade | Dark Breaker | Holly Storm Claws | Great Lord Scepter | Shining Scepter | Dragon Spear | Great Reign Crossbow | Arrow Viper Bow | Albatross Bow | Staff of Destruction | Staff of Kundun | Platina Staff | Ancient Stick | Demonic Stick
Black Dragon | Dark Phoenix | Grand Soul | Valiant | Eclipse | Thunder Hawk | Iris | Glorious | Ancient | Storm Hard | Divine
Extra Drop
Anillos y pendientes + TCA
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop item 2 opciones 45% | item 3 opciones 45% | Extra drop 10%
Knight Blade | Sword Dancer | Dark Reign Blade | Dark Breaker | Holly Storm Claws | Great Lord Scepter | Shining Scepter | Dragon Spear | Great Reign Crossbow | Arrow Viper Bow | Albatross Bow | Staff of Destruction | Staff of Kundun | Platina Staff | Ancient Stick | Demonic Stick
Black Dragon | Dark Phoenix | Grand Soul | Valiant | Eclipse | Thunder Hawk | Iris | Glorious | Ancient | Storm Hard | Divine
Anillos y Pendientes
Ring of Ice | Ring of Poison | Pendant of Ice | Pendant of Lighting - Pendant of Fire | Ring of Fire | Ring of Earth | Pendant of Water | Ring of Wind | Pendant of Wind | Ring of Magic | Pendant of Ability
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop item 2 opciones 100% | item 3 opciones 50%
Rune Blade | Sword of Destruction | Dark Reign Blade | Sacred Glove | Lord Scepter | Great Scythe | Bill of Balrog | Saint Crossbow | Celestial Bow | Staff of Resurrection | Dragon Soul Staff | Red Wing Stick
Dragon Shield | Legendary Shield | Elemental Shield | Cross Shield | Grand Soul Shield
Dragon | Storm Crow | Ashcrow | Legendary | Spirit | Guardian | Adamantine | Dark Steel | Red Wing | Sacred
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop item 2 opciones 50% | item 3 opciones 50%
Book of Samut | Book of Neil | Book of Lagle | Blade | Gladius | Falchion | Serpent Sword | Sword of Salamander | Ligh Saber | Legendary Sword | Helincal Sword | Elven Axe | Battle Axe | Nikea Axe | Frail | Great Hammer | Battle Scepter | Light Spear | Spear | Dragon Lance | Giant Trident | Serpent Spear | Double Poleaxe | Halberd | Berdysh | Great Scythe | Battle Bow | Tiger Bow | Silver Bow | Arquebus | Light Crossbow | Serpent Crossbow | Serpent Staff | Thunder Staff | Gorgon Staff | Violent Wind Stick |
Dragon Slayer Shield | Skull Shield | Spiked Shield | Plate Shield | Serpent Shield | Bronze Shield | Tower Shield | Elven Shield
Plate | Wind | Light Plate | Sphinx | Brass | Violent
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop item 2 opciones 50% | item 3 opciones 50%
Blade | Gladius | Falchion | Serpent Sword | Sword of Salamander | Ligh Saber | Legendary Sword | Helincal Sword | Elven Axe | Battle Axe | Nikea Axe | Frail | Great Hammer | Battle Scepter | Light Spear | Spear | Dragon Lance | Giant Trident | Serpent Spear | Double Poleaxe | Halberd | Berdysh | Great Scythe | Battle Bow | Tiger Bow | Silver Bow | Arquebus | Light Crossbow | Serpent Crossbow | Serpent Staff | Thunder Staff | Gorgon Staff | Violent Wind Stick
Kite Shield | BHorn Shield | Large Round Shield
Bronze | Bone | Scale | Silk | Violent
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop item 2 opciones 50% | item 2 opciones 50%
Kris | Short Sword | Rapier | Katana | Small Axe | Hand Axe | Double Axe | Tomahawk | Mace | Morning Star | Short Bow | Bow | Elven Bow | Crossbow | Golden Crossbow | Skull Staff | Mysteri Stick | Angelic Staff
Small Shield | Buckler
Pad | Leather | Vine
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop item 2 opciones 50% | item 3 opciones 50%
Gaion Desde Nivel 1 a 400
Sin drop alguno
Gaion ML
Kundun +1 +2 +3 +4 +5, | 3 Unidades
Chaos Castle Nivel 1 a 400
Sin Drop
Chaos Castle ML
Kundun +4 +5, Item ACC | 3 items
Ilusion Temple 1 al 400
Sin Drop
Ilusion Temple Master
Kundun +4 +5, Item ACC | 2 items
Blood Cstle Master
Kundun +4 +5, Jewel al azar | 1 item
Plate | Wind | Light Plate | Sphinx | Brass | Violent
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop ítem 3 opción 100
Bronze | Bone | Scale | Silk | Violent
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop ítem 3 opción 100%
Pad | Leather | Vine
Porcentaje % de Drop
Drop ítem 3 opción 100%
Last updated